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Clay Jensen: Nice guy, always try to help people, get good grades, and a loving likable person through and through. He likes Hannah Baker buy finds out that he one of the reason she killed herself.
Hannah Baker: Seventeen years old with a good heart. She likes candy, mostly chocolate. She honest with others but also honest with herself in. When it came to other people she didn't stop, she told them straight up but instead of telling them she put them on tapes.
Justin Foley: Justin is a year older than Hannah. He's her first real crush and her first kiss. He's also the original source of the rumors that she's a "slut".
Jessica Davis: Jessica is new to town, but she's not your typical new kid. She's bolder and more aggressive than Hannah. Jessica is also pretty violent.
Alex Standall: Alex is a new kid, just like Hannah. He's one of the first people in town that Hannah hangs out with. He's on her list because he put her on a list, as the "Best Butt in the Freshman Class.''
Tyler Down: Tyler aka Peeping Tom is number four on Hannah's list. He's one of the book's most problematic characters. Hannah accuses him of stalking her, spying on her, and taking pictures through her bedroom window.
Courtney Crimson: Number five on Hannah's list, Courtney is the pretty, sweet girl at school. But Hannah thinks she's a fake. Courtney only pretends to like Hannah when she needs something, like a ride to a party or an adventurous night of let's-catch-the-Peeping-Tom.
Marcus Cooley : Marcus, number six on Hannah's list, is the only listed person that Clay meets while he's listening to the tapes. Before we even get to Marcus's tape, Clay finds him outside Tyler's window passing out rocks for people to throw. Marcus is eager to punish Tyler for peeping, but he brushes off Hannah's accusations about himself.
Zach Dempsey: Zach starts out as a sympathetic character, trying to comfort Hannah after the Marcus incident at Rosie's. But when Hannah rejects his kindness, Zach, number seven on Hannah's list, steals Hannah's notes of encouragement from her Peer Communications class. Seems like an innocent prank to us, but to Hannah, it's much, much more.
Ryan Shaver: Ryan, number eight on Hannah's list, is the talented teen poet who steals Hannah's poem and publishes it in the school paper. He doesn't use her name, so the way he sees it isn't as bad as it could be but she knows she wrote it, and that's bad enough.
Jenny Kurtz: Cheerleader Jenny Kurtz is number ten on the list. After an awful night at the ill-fated party, Jenny appears to Hannah with help. Grateful by the comfort of Jenny's car and the rain on the windows, Hannah falls asleep. She's woken up by the sound of Jenny crashing into a stop sign.
Bryce Walker: Bryce, words can't even describe how awful this person is. He's the eleventh person on Hannah's list, but he shows up a lot throughout the tapes, In Bryce's tape, Hannah describes how she joined him in Courtney Crimson's hot tub after a party that Hannah didn't even go to. In the hot tub, Hannah allowed Bryce to have sex with her.
Mr.Porter: Mr. Porter, Hannah's guidance counselor and English teacher, sure doesn't do a good job as his character because he's an adult. He even more to blame for Hannah's death than the young kids who maybe just might don't know any better. Mr. Porter is the twelfth and final person on Hannah's list. His role in the story is simple: he fails to get help from a mental health professional or even to call Hannah's parents to alert them when she admits to him that she is suicidal. Mr. Porter had the direct power to stop Hannah from killing herself. The big question is, why did he fail?
Tony: Tony is a nice guy, which is why he isn't on Hannah's list. In fact, when she sends him a copy of the tapes, he immediately calls her parents to warn them. After Hannah has taken her own life, Tony spends his after school time following the twelve people on the list, making sure they carry out her wishes.
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